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PriceList of AMD Processors in Chennai

Here is the cheapest pricelist of AMD Processors in very low price. The price list is based on the chennai price . It's very useful to people who's looking to buy a computer in low price. Let's find out,
SEMPRON sempron-140 2.7GHz,1MB,AM3 1775
Athelon II X2 IIX2 -240 2.8GHz,2MB,AM3 2925
Athelon II X2 IIX2-245 2.9GHz,2MB,AM3 3100
Athelon IIx2 IIX2-250 3 GHz,2MB, AM3 3275
Athelon IIX2 IIX2-255 3975
phenom II IIX2-545 3GHz, AM3 4575
Athelon IIx3 IIX3-550 2.7GHz,1.5MB,AM3 3650
Athelon IIx3 IIX3-435 2.9GHz, 1.5 MB. Am3 3900
Athelon IIx3 IIX3-440 3 GHz, 1.5 MB, AM3 4500
AthelonIIx4 Quad X4-630 2.8 GHz,2 MB, AM3 5150
phenom X3 X3-720 BE 2.8GHz, 7.8 M,AM3 6300
phenom X4 Quad X4-925 2.8GHz, 8 M, AM3 7125
phenom X4 Quad X4 -945 3.0 Ghz, 8M, AM3 7700
phenom X4 Quad X4 -955 BE 3.2 Ghz ,8M ,AM3 8250
phenom X4 Quad X4-965 BE 3.4 Ghz ,8M,AM3 9350


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